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April 2022

NFT Opensea collection here.Spatial.io virtual exhibition here. My very first sci-fi inspired digital artwork exhibition was recently published as a collection of NFT's on the Opensea platform, using Polygon crypto. As I share it with the public, the question of 'why NFT's' deserves a thoughtful response. I had the same question before I started,

Traditionally i do concept art, and I have been avoiding 3D because i prefer to focus on the art direction, the concept, even the architectural plans, to give a 3D artist enough room to translate my vision into a real tangible model.  I understand there must be overlap of skills. As an architect I

Using the free-floating human body as the starting point for spacecraft ergonomics is the most stark example of human-centric design, where the environment challenges our traditional thinking. I love this because it applies to the metaverse, to VR/AR and to HCI. Gravity, distance and augmentation should be considered in the design of SD/UX